IREF services
IREF and its experts organize and support the networks through exchanges of experience, training and workshops around themes specific to the world of franchising and independent organized trade. Find out more about the services that IREF can provide to networks.
For young networks
A passport for young networks
Young franchise and partnership networks, when they are in the pilot or pre-launch phase, often wish to offer a third party the duplication of their concept. However, an in-depth knowledge of the techniques, regulations and practices in force is necessary to validate the duplication of their concept. This is how IREF, the Federation of European Partnership and Franchise Networks, decided to create the Passport for Franchising and Partnership.
This Passport is mainly aimed at young networks and companies wishing to duplicate their concept. The latter will be able to understand the legal and contractual, economic and financial, marketing and commercial workings, essential to the duplication of their concept.
The Franchise and Partnership Passport is a one-day awareness, orientation and assessment program with individual consultations, after which the passport is issued to the participant.

For network heads
Afin de répondre aux besoins des réseaux actuels, l’IREF a mis au point des services nouveaux et particulièrement adaptés et spécialisés au cours des dernières années.
Devenir membre, c’est accéder à tous ces services à des tarifs négociés, bénéficier d’un suivi et d’un accompagnement permanent.
Depuis 2018, IREF est impliquée dans un processus de soutien et de partage d’expertise réseau dans le domaine du numérique, en phase avec les nouveaux comportements des clients et consommateurs. Afin de répondre aux besoins des réseaux actuels, l’IREF a mis au point des services nouveaux et particulièrement adaptés au cours des dernières années.
Devenir membre, c’est ainsi accéder à tous ces services à des tarifs négociés, bénéficier d’un suivi et d’un accompagnement permanent.
Constamment relayés dans la presse, les articles des experts de l’IREF et les évènements que la Fédération organise, valorisent l’ensemble des réseaux membres.
The IREF is also:
- Access to IREF/BUREAU VERITAS "network certification"
- Exclusive access to insurance products specific to the world of networks
- Pricing advantages for workshops‐conferences of which IREF is a partner
- Commercial offers and preferential rates, with IREF partners
- Support for its members internationally and particularly in Italy

An audit for mature networks
The phase of building a network gives way to a much longer phase which is that of the work of “network manager”. Many skills will need to be crossed to establish the network over time. The solid experience of the IREF informs you and accompanies you in order to prevent, understand and apprehend all the strategies of your development. IREF has designed an audit with referenced experts to support you in your reflection.
Network job offers
These two services are free for IREF members.
For more information, fill out this information request form .
You can also contact us via the email address below.